Today was one of the best experiences I have ever had on a bike. Ever! We ate well and headed out into a cold overcast day. It was 40 degrees, maybe 35, with the windchill.
We rode 13 miles and began to climb. On my right was a lake supporting mist the sun had yet to burn. It fronted a mountain filled with fog topped with late season snow. The setting was so stunning it was a challenge to ride. We climbed through mist which turned to rain, rain to sleet, and sleet to snow. At the top of Lolo pass we stopped at a snow covered ranger station, drank hot chocolate, and headed back out for a thrilling 47 miles of downhill into Montana.
Once in Montana, it seemed odd to ride for so long at 17 miles per hour with such little effort. We passed fields of cattle running to feed through yellow fields. Rain pelted my face and teeth as I smiled a smile of freedom, of life! I experienced the outdoors today. I felt its diversity. Not long ago my reality was the sterile environment of the hospital. It was an honor to experience this day!
A different thread
1 month ago