-Oliver Wendell Holmes

There is nothing more pleasant than waking to the sound of a rushing river. This was the case in Oxbow, Oregon as the sun burned off the morning dew and brought to life the smell of sap and pine. A fleece lined jacket took care of the morning chill while a steaming cup of coffee made everything just right.
On the road by 6:30 a.m, we hugged the shoulder as we passed through sun drenched valleys and mountain tops speckled with late season snow. As logging trucks passed with their first load of the day, I was in awe of their cargo; the size, the smell, the years it must have taken the trees to mature. It was a shame to see them hauled away.
With 45 miles on the odometer our pace slowed as we rolled into a diner. A gentleman approached the table. Around 5'6'', he was stooped, with a white beard, and eyes that were soft and kind. He stood with his arms behind his back, made reference to our cycling gear and asked if we were on a trip. I mentioned we were riding for cancer awareness, I was a survivor, and we're riding coast to coast. He listened, nodded, turned, and simply walked away. Slightly baffled, we shrugged and waited for the waitress to appear. She was glad to see we had met Archie. No, he was not the owner. No, he didn't wait tables. In fact, he didn't even work there at all. She said he appeared occassionally, spoke to customers, walked through the kitchen talking to the staff, and cleaned a table every now and then. He was retired and everyone just loved to have him around.
A few minutes later, Archie reappeared. He started speaking of his red Ford Festiva and how it got 48 miles per gallon. He was terribly proud of his daughter as she recently graduated from college. He lives next door to the diner and loves Idaho with all his heart. He is a poet, and this is what he wrote.
The Idaho Invitation
by Archie
Come share it with me
Touch the softness of morning
See the dawn on the meadow
Feel the warmth of the sun
Hear the cry of the Osprey
Hear the trumpeting chorus
Of the Elk in the valley
Know your day has begun
Try rafting the rivers
Glide and sore with the Eagles
Hear the backcountry calling
Make the summit your goal
Feel the skis in the powder
Sing the song of the mountain
Feel the Idaho heartbeat
Creeping into your soul
Come on,
Come and share it with me
Oh! One more thing.
Air so pure you won't want to exhale
With that, Archie paid for our coffee, shook our hands, got in his red Ford Festiva, and lead the group safely through his town.
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